Tagged: OMA

Een virtueel relief waarin de vlaggen van de 28 EU-lidstaten zijn verwerkt

The Colors of the Union: 304888344611713860501504000000 Ways to Make a Flag

In 2002, my former employer Rem Koolhaas designed a European flag. His idea: a kind of bar code with the colors of the flags of the member states of the European Union, arranged from east to west. One of the places where the design was used is the Museumpark in Rotterdam. A brilliant idea, in my opinion: it symbolizes variety and unity and it is immediately recognizable. The flag may only be a bit hard to draw without errors, but that’s true for many flags. (How are the American stars arranged? And did we start with a red or a… Read More

Fragment van een verschilderde foto gemaakt op de veertiende verdieping van de Rotterdam met de Rijnhaven, Katendrecht, Wilhelminapier, Nieuwe Maas and Scheepvaartkwartier

View of Rotterdam, from De Rotterdam

A few weeks ago I was visiting friends who are living in De Rotterdam. In the late nineties, employed at OMA, I’ve been working on the design of that building. Now, fifteen years later, it’s finally finished and it draws the attention of the world. Manual focus The view was, even on the fourteenth floor, not even halfway to the top, allready pretty overwhelming. Of course I had brought my camera. I had just forgotten that my lens was still on manual focus. And then of course I should do some manual focussing. As a result the panoramic image I… Read More