Tagged: countdown

The interior and artwork of the Markthal in Rotterdam reflects in the wet pavement during evening twilight

Countdown: the best photos of 2024

It is a tradition that goes back to the early years of this blog: the annual top 10 of my best photos. Although, “best” is such a value judgment, let’s call it my favorite photos. Or maybe just the photos that have a good story to tell. Since 2016, I have been looking at the photos I took that year every year in mid-December, selecting about 200 for the longlist. What follows is a long and painful process to distill my top 10 from that. Anyway, as long as I have the list and the accompanying blog post ready somewhere… Read More

Historic farm in the Noordwaard region in the Netherlands, protected by a little dike against the rising water

Countdown: The Best Photos of 2023

Just like every year, I am once again making a selection from my photos of the past twelve months. The choice was somewhat more limited than in other years. As I am now also working as a city guide, I have less time for photography, so less beauties to choose from. But I think I have managed to put together an interesting and varied overview of the year 2023. 10 – The bridge across the Watering I have hiked a lot in 2023, estimating around a thousand kilometers, based on the number of walks and the average distance covered. Most… Read More

Reflection, with considerable distortions, in the facade of the Depot building in Rotterdma, taken from the Podium on the roof of the New Institute

Countdown: the best photos of 2022

It’s time again for my annual review with the most beautiful photos of 2022. Since 2016 I’ve been compiling these top 10s with the best photos of the year. The best photos I’ve taken myself, that is. Or at least the photos with the most interesting stories to tell. Also this year I cannot escape the long and painful selection process. The longlist contains about 200 photos, of which 190 must be abandoned within sight of the harbour. Anyway, with the deadline, New Year’s Eve, approaching rapidly, I present here my photographic annual overview for 2022. 10 – Rear View… Read More

Colorful banks of lake Grevelingen off the island of Schouwen-Duiveland, The Netherlands with a large variety of vegetation

Countdown: the best photos of 2021

I took more than 2000 photos in 2021. That’s not an awful lot, in fact; there are photographers who click that number away in a weekend. I am more the type of photographer who tends to think twice before pressing the shutter button. I’m really bad at selecting the best photos from hundreds of candidates. And I also like to keep the time spent on post-processing to a minimum. Year in Review But even with such a relatively small production, it is quite a job to make the traditional annual overview with the ten best photos of ’21. Even on… Read More

Aelbrechtskolk canal in the neighbourhood of Delfshaven, Rotterdam during the blue hour on a windless evening

Countdown: the Best Photos of 2020

Before discussing my best photos of 2020, it’s inevitable to say something about the year itself. I probably speak on behalf of most of us when I say that it was a miserable year. And that we would rather leave it behind us as soon as possible. Let’s hope that next year will be better; at least there are some reasons for moderate optimism. Photographically it was also a somewhat different year. Foreign travel was not an option and even within the Netherlands the possibilities were limited. I always traveled carelessly all over the country by train and bus, but… Read More

Details of a ship hull with peeling paint, rust stains and stripes and embossed numbers of the draught mark

Countdown: the ten best photos of 2019

Here we are again: the top 10 of the best photos of the year 2019. Or well, let me put that in perspective: these are the ten best photos I took this year, in my own humble opinion. Also, it’s a kind of snapshot; tomorrow I may think very differently. But anyway, at least they are ten special pictures. The long list Like in previous years, I had a huge collection to choose from. I took around five thousand photos in 2019, from which I compiled a long list with almost two hundred nominees. 10 – Cloudburst in Roermond On… Read More

Field of salicornia in the rasta colors red, green and yellow at the beach in nature reserve Kwade Hoek on the island of Goeree-Overflakkee, with two hikers in the background

Countdown: the Ten Best Photos of 2018

For the third consequetive year I’m trying to put together a list with, in my humble opinion, the best ten photos that I made over the past twelve months. And once again that proves to be a daunting task. I made about 5,000 photographs in 2018; making the longlist (see below) was already very time-consuming. And what kind of criteria should I use to make the final list? The most useful advice I could give myself was to make a nice and diverse list, paying attention to various seasons, times and subjects. So here they are: ten pictures, each of… Read More

Longlist of 120 photos nominated for the top 10 of best photos of 2017

Countdown: the Ten Best Photographs of 2017

Just like in 2016, I wanted to present a top-10 of my favorite photos of the year. And like last year that appeared to be a daunting task. In 2017 I took over 6,000 photos; that makes about 20 per day. When I tried to make a longlist, it still contained 120 photos. When choosing the final ten I mainly tried to create a nice selection, with a spread over seasons, locations, themes and parts of the day. It hurts that countless beautiful, sometimes even legendary, photos have not made it to the top 10. But actually that is also… Read More

Photo of the City Hall and the Market Square in Leuven made at night through the window of a pub.

Countdown: the Ten Best Photographs of 2016

Every year in early December the ranking season starts. The sportsman/sportswoman/sportsteam, politician and person of the year; the best films, books and records. As if nothing is going to happen in those final weeks. And now I’m doing it as well, by compiling the top 10 of my favorite photos over 2016. But I have a blog, and that has a great advantage. If between Christmas and New Years Eve I make a picture that is better than any other I made this year, I can simply rearrange the list. No one will notice. The longlist I made close to… Read More