English: a Global Language

Splendid isolation: the British Isles as if they were alone on a planet

In December 2013 I started my company 3Develop as well as my own website. Less than a month later I also launched the English version of the site. After all, the world is my homeland and English is the world language.

My international ambitions were not without consequences. In early 2015, I spent two weeks in Watford, England, working on visualizations for St. Mary’s Church. And the English version of my blog post about the Inverted World Map is by far the most popular page on my website.

Planet Britain: splendid isolation

Splendid isolation

To celebrate the launch of my English website I made the above picture. Britain and Ireland in splendid isolation on their own world. As if I already foresaw Brexit at that time.

Apologies to the Irish for having to share a planet with the English. I know it’s a bit sensitive but well, those islands are quite close together. I myself am just as much Anglo- as Keltophile and I have fond memories of traveling to both Ireland and England, not to mention Wales and Scotland. It’s a world unto itself.

By Frans Blok

My work explores the border regions of photography, painting and computer visuals. With my company 3Develop I do work in commission but I use the same techniques, skills and software to make free work. I am originally an architect and I live in Rotterdam; for that reason the architecture of that city is a major (but not the only) source of inspiration. But also travel to countries like Iceland and Britain, or walks in the Netherlands, provide much material. Seeing and showing quality and beauty, that is what my work is about.

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